You might be in a very tough spot right now, worried if you will be able to remain in the US.
Don’t lose hope!
A significant part of our legal practice involves representing clients in removal (deportation) proceedings.
The quality of legal representation in immigration court may become the most important factor in determining whether the immigrant will stay in the United States. If a non-U.S. citizen commits a crime, he/she may end up facing the immigration judge.
However, not everyone who commits a crime deserves to be removed (deported) from the United States.
In addition, individuals who do not have legal status in the United States, whether by virtue of entering the United States without inspection or overstaying their time of admission, may have a legal basis to stay in the United States.
At Immigration Law Office of Vladimir Goutsaliouk, we zealously represent our clients in immigration court and do all we can to defend them against removal (deportation).
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